D.I.Y-Vintage T-shirt

So recently I was working on a D.I.Y Tea Dyeing project where I turned one of my discarded t-shirts into a lovely vintage cloth. Read on to know how…

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Things used:

1) A white cotton t-shirt

2) A vessel to soak the t-shirt

3) Tea bags

4) A scissor



Step 1:

Unwrap tea bags and cut off its tags. Fill a large pot with enough water (plus a little extra) to completely cover your t-shirt. When water comes to a boil drop in tea bags and turn off heat (I used 8-10 bags). Let the tea bags steep for about 15-20 minutes.

Step 2:

Be sure heat is off on the pot and insert the cloth. Stir cloth and ensure that it is resting on the bottom to get evenly stained. Use a spoon (or a plate) to flatten out all of the air bubbles. The shirt should be completely submerged in the tea.

Step 3:

Let the cloth steep for at least 1 hour. The stronger the tea, the longer you let the cloth steep, the deeper the stain.

Step 4:

When the cloth is finished steeping, remove it from the pot.

***If you would like to remove the tea scent (which will be mild), briefly rinse in cold water.

Note: Washing and rinsing the fabric will take the colour “down” so you may omit this step if you want a darker colour.

Step 5:

Let dry and iron if necessary.


The tea staining method works really well with textiles that will be displayed on the wall or very infrequently washed things like pillow covers.

Try this method out and let me know how it worked for you and stay tuned for many more D.I.Ys.


xoxo 🙂

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